Swindon’s new homes specialists
When it comes to marketing new homes, Swindon’s Atwell Martin team have the experience and the expertise to bring results. With a dedicated New Homes Coordinator, we can provide guidance for house developers at every stage. So, from assisting with your proposed scheme to finding buyers for the completed homes, your investment is in safe hands.
Consultation and marketing
As long-standing Swindon property agents, our detailed knowledge of the local area is invaluable for new housing developers and builders. In fact, even at the design stage, we can advise you on choosing the most suitable housing for the site. Each area has its own features and we can suggest what types of housing might work best. We base this on our understanding of the existing demand we see as an agency for different housing types.
We can also advise on setting the right asking prices for your properties. As we regularly analyse the value of new housing in the region, we can propose a price best placed to ensure sales while optimising your return. Getting this right is central to successful housing development, and we can help you do just that.
Plus, our outstanding marketing strategy means you have a great chance of finding buyers for your new homes quickly. Our mix of promotional efforts is a bespoke package designed to suit each development specifically. It includes open days, high quality printed brochures, attention-grabbing signage and CAD images. You can read more about our marketing methods on our page about Buying and Selling houses in Swindon.
If you’re looking to buy a new home in Swindon or the surrounding Wiltshire areas, search our latest properties for sale.
And if you’d like to find out more about our services for new homes developers, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.